About Us

PT Gemintang Nusa Pratama

Legal Nusa is a business entity engaged in corporate secretarial services, licensing services, provision of legal training and provision of legal human resources. With the background of the emergence of various digital and non-digital startup companies in Indonesia, Legal Nusa wants to contribute to supporting the development of the business world, especially micro, small and medium enterprises. Legal Nusa has a commitment to be able to assist business actors from the establishment of their company to develop and advance to become a leading company in Indonesia.

Legal Nusa is supported by consultants who have an educational background and experience in the field of law. Legal Nusa services are offered at affordable prices. Legal Nusa always prioritizes professionalism and accuracy to provide the best service for clients.

If you need more information regarding the services we offer, please contact Legal Nusa through the Contact Us page.

Our Vision

To become a company that is able to reach and assist business actors in big cities in Indonesia (outside Jabodetabek).

Our Mission

  • Providing convenience for startup activists in Indonesia in fulfilling their legal needs
  • Establish good and mutual relationships with parties who help Legal Nusa in running its business, such as Legal Consultants, Notaries, Licensing Management Agents, Government
  • Participate in community development and legal education in Indonesia

Konsultan Berpengalaman

Legal Nusa senantiasa mengutamakan kualitas dan profesionalitas untuk memberikan layanan terbaik untuk perusahaan Anda. Didukung oleh konsultan yang memiliki latar belakang pendidikan dan pengalaman di bidang hukum.

Arini Dyah Septiana​


Rendy Oktayana M


Benedetto S Utomo


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