Corporate Secretarial Services

Establishment of a Limited Liability Company (PT)

A Limited Liability Company or PT is a legal entity that is a capital partnership, established under an agreement, carrying out business activities with an authorized capital that is entirely divided into shares or individual legal entities that meet the criteria for micro and small businesses as stipulated in the laws and regulations regarding Micro and Small Enterprises. 



5 (five) day work

Cost Estimation:

IDR 12.000.000

Scope of Management:

  1. Legal Consultant Assistance
  2. Incorporation Documents (Statement of capital deposit, power of attorney, statement of domicile, etc.)
  3. Full registration on the company register (Notarial Deed and Decree of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights)
  4. Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP)
  5. Taxpayer Registered Certificate (SKT)
  6. Other documents (Business license, Company BPJS Notification, Customs Identification Number (NIK), State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia (BNRI/TBNRI)
  7. Indonesia (BNRI/TBNRI)


  1. Complete the Requirements
    Fill out the establishment form we provide. You will receive a draft deed and other documents to confirm.
  2. Incorporation Process
    You need to confirm the documents. After that, the document will be finalized according to the applicable legality procedures.
  3. Document Issuance
    After publication, you can download a copy of the document through the application. Physical documents will be sent to your address.

Document Requirements:

  1. For Individual Founders
    If the shareholder is an individual:

        • Scan of ID card
        • Active NPWP Scan
        • Scan family card


  2. For Business Entity Founders
    If the shareholder is a Business Entity:

      • Scan of Company Deed
      • Scan of The Establishment Decree
      • Scan of the ID cards of the founders
      • NPWP scan of the founder
      • Scan of Company NPWP


  3. Other Documents
    Documents you might prepare:

    • Lease Agreement (If The Office Domicile Has Lease Status)
    • Certificate of Property Rights (If the Domicile of the Office has the status of Private Property)

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